June 2014 fishing report
This month at Brick Farm sees us taking an aggressive approach to the clearance of the weed around the fishing platforms on Well Lake. The water is so clear and clean that in this recent warm weather it has almost been growing in front of our eyes! We have also pruned out some of the small tree saplings that were hindering the casting along the dam so hopefully you can now maximise your chance of hooking and landing your fish. This lake in particular is still fishing very well and now is the perfect time on a beautiful summer evening to fine tune your dry fly techniques, using smaller flies that have gathered dust all winter, trying out a lighter rod perhaps or having a go at “matching the hatch”. The fishery and lodge are now open from 7.30am – 9pm (last cast 8.45pm) and we have complimentary coffee and tea for anglers (£1 for guests), the espresso machine is on and the fridge stocked with cold drinks if you would like to treat yourself.
Mike “the weed” Richardson clearing weed on Well Lake
We are keeping the three lakes well stocked with weekly deliveries of top quality Rainbow, Blue and Brown Trout (with a couple of Golden Trout for fun as well). These go in at an average weight of two pounds with the odd bigger one as well! As we are a “Troutmaster Competition” water we include in each delivery a few four or five pounders and two months ago the largest fish stocked was 9lb 9oz! This fish is yet to be caught! While we are on the delicate subject of size and how important it is?? I must say that in my experience the smaller size fish give you a much better scrap than say a larger one which can tend to fight like a sack of spuds! A bit like the difference between a Jack Russell terrier compared to a Great Dane and I know personally which one I would prefer to take for a walk! It is also nice, however, to have the chance now and again to harness and use all the skills you have learnt over the years, and on light tackle, successfully land a “biggy” now and again. We strive at Brick Farm Lakes to give all our anglers the opportunity to do just that. Several of our anglers, including Mr. John Collier, one of our trainees on his third cast, (which I witnessed myself) have reported hooking a large fish in our new Stag Lake. Unfortunately they have not been successful in landing this fish on the bank so far!! Also, I have heard tales since I first started working here about a “huge” fish in Well Lake. I am quoting the reporting anglers who have been “snapped off”, played the monster for “ten minutes” being powerless to bring it to the bank and seeing it “eye to eye” before the creature has snapped their rod in two!! So there you have it! The opportunity is always there for an unexpected- turn- of- events!
Stop Press…
One of our “graduates” Pete Crouch, who has benefited from one of our beginners coaching sessions a while ago, has just landed a beautiful brown trout from Well Lake. He was fishing with a light brook rod using an intermediate line and a single, small, pheasant tail gold head fly. He reported that the fish followed the fly into the bank taking it just as he was lifting the line out of the water! In the clear depths you can really see what is unfolding right before your very eyes! Well done to him, it just goes to show that practice makes perfect and as I have said before you must cover the margins when retrieving.
Other news…
We are very happy to host again this year the popular St. Michael’s Hospice Alan Keats Memorial Fly Fishing Day. This year it will take place on Brick Lake on Saturday 27th September. At a cost of only £52 for a four fish contest, your day begins at 8.30am with a sausage baguette and fresh coffee, continuing with the first fishing session. At lunchtime a lovely homemade meal of cottage pie with vegetables and apple crumble with cream and custard is served on the deck of the lodge followed by the second fishing session in the afternoon. The day concludes with the weighing in of the fish caught; the awarding of a wonderful trophy to the winner and the grand raffle, drawn while tea and homemade fruit cake are served. It is a truly wonderful day and a good opportunity to support a very worthy cause while enjoying your beloved sport. Please contact Call Marcia on 01424 456381 or email fundraising@stmichaelshospice.com to book a space.
We will be holding a Dry Fly Summer Fishing Challenge Match this year for the first time. To be held on Well Lake on the evening of Friday, 25th July. Anglers will all be given the same assortment of five dry flies to fish with from 6pm till 9pm. We will draw lots for pegs and move every 30mins. The cost will be £35 for a four fish ticket and flies. A fresh coffee will be included in the cost or a beer from the bar and cold soft drinks will be available. Guests and family are of course welcome to attend and enjoy the facilities in the lodge. There will only be 9 spaces available for this fun, friendly competition so book early to avoid disappointment.
Keith Verral bags a 3lb 4oz rainbow from the new Stag Lake
And finally…
All the normal flies are working well on all of the three lakes, however, buzzers and the more natural patterns are a good bet this time of year when the weather and the water warms up and comes alive with an abundance of natural food. Also, the more natural colours of green, brown and black and a more patient approach to the retrieving, is tending to produce the larger fish. A reminder that we have no fly restrictions here at Brick Farm so when the going gets tough in the heat of summer you can let your imagination go wild and experiment! This year we will also be remaining open for the month of August.
That’s all folks for another month. Tight lines and Just a reminder that you can, during the month keep right up to date with all that’s happening here at Brick Farm by logging onto our Facebook page or visiting our web site.