Lots of things to catch up on !!
We are very proud of the Trout Fisherman's piece on us in this October's 'Where to Fish' section. They wrote this about us, which is even better!! If you have a copy please do have a look and if you don't have a copy there is one in The Lodge.
The Winter League is under way with wins by both Coltsford Mill and Brick Farm Lakes already on the scoreboard. The next Brick Farm Lakes match is on Sunday 25 October here at home vs Coltsford Mill - good luck to all involved and here's hoping for a great day!!
We have a Fly Tying Demo and Practice afternoon coming up on Saturday 7th November starting at 1pm and Mike Richardson will also be available hosting a Rod Clinic if any of you would like him to see to check if any repairs might be on the cards. The Fly Tying is free to all although donations to the Sussex Fly Dressers would be more than welcome - we just need you to register (01323 832 615) so we know what numbers to expect. It is likely to last a couple of hours or so.
Also, if you have any spare flys, unused or just plain surplus to requirements, please do consider donating them to Brick Farm Lakes to enable us to sell them at 50p each in aid of the Mastersport and Play Charity based in Bexhill which provide opportunities for young people (disabled or disadvantaged) to take part in angling.
SPECIALITY FISH COMPETITION: By popular demand, as they say, we have started a Speciality Fish Competition which is just £1 to enter when you fish. It is just like a tagged fish competition which some of you may be familiar with..... When you come to fish just add £1 to your fish ticket payment that day. Each £1 is collected and held until the speciality fish is caught (up to a maximum of £100). If you catch this fish you win whatever is in the pot on the day of the catch. If the speciality fish remains uncaught when a total of £100 is reached a second speciality fish will be stocked and another £100 raised, then a third fish and so on each time the £100 total is reached. So the longer the competition runs, the more speciality fish are in the Lakes and the greater the chance you have of winning £100!! The pot currently stands at just under £50 so come and give it a try. Oh and by the way the current speciality fish is an extremely unusual Blue which is completely mottled in appearance - It's out there in one of the Lakes. Annie cannot say which Lake it is in and she cannot be bribed!! Probably!!
Caroline's monthly report will be available soon in the November issue of the Freshwater Informer. But this month's is well worth a read!
And last but not least ............. CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING FAST!!
Here is the Christmas Menu and we are open to take Group Bookings if you would like to come along to share the festive spirit with us:
That's all for now I think!!! Hope to see you all again soon - the log fire is burning !!!!! Annie xxx